Have Friends Over, 50"x 35", 127x 88.9cm
Private Collection

Bread in Captivity, 44"x 34", 111.8x 86.4cm
Private Collection

Toile de Jouy et Joie de Vivre, 34"x 29.5", 86.4x 74.9cm
Private Collection

Feminine Crusades, 51"x 52", 129.5x 132.1cm
Collection Jasper Arts Center, Jasper, Indiana

Roomie's Daughter Got Married, And Things Don't Turn Out the
Way You Thought, Myra Ann, 60"x 60", 152.4x 152.4cm
still available as an original

Maria's Dinner Table, 48"x 45", 121.9x 114.3cm
Collection Old National Bank, Evansville, Indiana

I Can Handle This, 42"x 42", 106.7x 106.7cm
Collection Koch Industries, Wichita, Kansas

Ballerina Doll Reaches Fort Knox in a Chocolate Dream, 42"x 34",
106.7x 86.4cm
Private Collection

That Was Some Party, 45"x 31.5", 114.3x 80cm
Available as an original

Good Red Wine; Good Dark Chocolate, 32"x 28", 81.3x 71.1cm
Collection West Baden Dome West Baden, Indiana

Eye Candy, 52"x 32", 132.1x 120.7cm
Private Collection

Dim Sum in Red Room, 65"x 60", 165.1x 152.4cm
Private Collection

What a Fruitcake! 60"x 60", 152.4x 152.4cm
Collection Sheldon Swope Art Museum, Terre Haute, Indiana

Mona Lisa Dances with Poppies, 48"x 48", 121.9x 121.9cm
Private Collection

Pure Indiana, 60"x 60", 152.4x 152.4cm
Collection Maggie and Joe Kernan, Jr., South Bend, Indiana

Cognac and Sweets, 31"x 39", 78.7x 99.1cm
Private Collection